Go Shetland Tours - operated by Robinson Tranport

Feedback, Reviews and Testimonials

We are always keen to receive feedback from our visitors. It's great to know if we are doing OK, but even more important to know if we are not so that we can improve the services we provide.
If you encounter any problems at all, we would be grateful if you could offer us the opportunity to address issues there and then.
If you would like to comment on Go Shetland Tours and Robinson Transport, please contact us by whichever method you prefer. Alternatively, please feel free to comment via Tripadvisor or our Facebook page.
Below and right are copies of messages we haave received from some of our visitors.

A message received via email from a Tourist Guide based in Scotland......
"I was at Wool Week! I was with a group of 16 avid knitters like me. Apart from the personal enjoyment of being on Shetland again we had a wonderful Driver Graham Robinson who was such a delight to be with! During the week we had several trips around Shetland. Here’s just some of the highlights;
None of us will forget the visit to Burra Voe farm. Cake, fleeces, cake, coffee, cake, spinning, knitting for sale, cake and those hens!
There are so many knitting tutors, museum guides, hotel staff to thank that this email would take for ever. The main thing to say is - what a warm welcome and professional service we got from them all.
Graham helped us fit in a visit to the Scalloway Museum on our last day. That is a little gem of a place and the whole group were delighted we were able to fit it in".
Emails from visitors....
On Fri, 21 Jun 2019 at 22:10, Roni Faerman wrote:
Hi Gill,
Just wanted to let you know that we had a great time today in Shetland. Robert was great and very knowledgeable and showed us all around. We got very lucky with the Shetland ponies. We stopped on the side of the road to look at them and the owner of the ponies was there and asked us if we wanted to come pet the ponies!! She was with Robin’s Brae. We pet them, brushed them and walked them! The woman was so nice!! We saw puffins and seals. We loved your island.
Thanks so much,
The Faerman Family
On Tue, 27 Aug 2019 at 00:26, Gayle Durkin wrote:
Hi Gill,
Now that I have been back home from our wonderful visit to Shetland I have had some time to look back on our trip and the wonderful tour you provided for me (and my 2 friends). You were so informative and our visits to Ronnie at Uradale farm, Marion and her Shetland ponies and sheep along with her beautiful cakes and treats really hit home because of our love for the Shetland yarns. Each stop we made was so special. I should have spent more time at the museum and the gallery we went to was very special. Please tell Ronnie and Marion how dear they are and special to have opened their homes to us.
You have no idea how special this trip was for me and I just wanted to let you know that you played a huge roll in making it special.
I see the daily posts about the upcoming Shetland Wool Week and hope I can return and attend one in the next couple of years. I am sure you will be very busy during the event.
When I do return to Shetland I hope I will have the joy of seeing you again and learn even more about this lovely place called Shetland.
My heart is there and I am envious that you get to live there.
My best regards,
Gayle Durkin