Go Shetland Tours - operated by Robinson Tranport

About Us

Go Shetland Tours is operated by Robinson Transport. We are based in Weisdale on the west of Shetland. This family-run company can trace its origins back to 1930 when Jackie Robinson and Davie Morrison started a general merchant store. As well as running the shop, Robinson and Morrison also did some private vehicle hire in the local area.
With the unfortunate passing of Davie Morrison in 1945, Jackie was joined in the business by his wife Mimie. In 1948 they were awarded the local school bus contract which is still operated today. During the 1950s their elder sons Melvyn and Ian joined the business which continued to grow, benefitting especially during the 1970s with the advent of the Shetland oil boom. When Jackie passed away in 1985, Melvyn and Ian were joined in the business by their younger brother Graham. During the next 19 years the vehicle hiring side of the business increased and in 2004 Graham took this over, renaming it Robinson Transport. Today the fleet consists of vehicles from 4 – 41 seaters used on a variety of work including private hire and tours.
With increasing visitor numbers to Shetland in recent years, the tourism side of the business continues to grow. Gill Nadin - a local tourist guide joined the team in 2018, enabling the company to provide tailor-made hires and tours, focussed on individual customer requirements. The company now offers a range of services, including pre-planned and tailor-made bus tours for individuals and groups, as well as walking tours and guided walks. The company takes visitors to all corners of Shetland, but specialises particularly in the Westside of Mainland Shetland, where fewer visitors explore.​
Our Team
Graham Robinson and his wife Christine both drive for the company and have a team of around 5 drivers to call on. Gill Nadin (our qualified local guide) also drives and is available as a driver-guide where appropriate. All our drivers have extensive experience of driving in all areas of Shetland. Each has great local knowledge and will be very happy to chat to visitors.
has lived all his life in Weisdale. He trained as a telecoms engineer, and continued in this role until he joined the family retail and transport business in 1985. Now with a grown-up family, he enjoys fishing when he gets the time. He was a member of the Jarl Squad in Lerwick Up Helly Aa in 2011 and will be in the Jarl Squad again in 2025.
was born in New Zealand and moved to Shetland with her family aged 13. She has worked in the Robinson family business for over 20 years and although now officially 'semi-retired', is still very involved in the company. She loves gardening and especially her new polycrub (a Shetland version of a polytunnel), which gives her a fighting chance of growing some exotic and tender plants in the Shetland climate.
originally from England moved to Shetland in 2002 and 'loves it'. She worked in the National Heath Service until 2012, then trained as a bus driver and more recently qualified as a tourist guide - registered with the Scottish Tourist Guides Association. See her STGA profile here. She loves walking with her husband and dogs, especially in the more remote corners of Shetland.